No. 90 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Published 2022-09-07


  • associative reaction, associative-semantic field, psycholinguistic context, index of brightness.
  • асоціативна реакція, асоціативно-семантичнне поле, психолінгвальний контекст, індекс яскравості.


Introduction. This article is aimed at studying the associative and semantic fields in terms of contextual synonymy, based on the material of the political lexis. Methods. The article uses general scientific methods of synthesis and analysis, linguistic methods, namely the descriptive method for interpreting the category of contextual synonymy, the component method for determining the lexical meanings of contextual synonymy units; method of contextual analysis – for figuring out sub-individual interpretation of objective world; method of integral associative experiment – for forming associative field within the category of contextual synonymy. The free associative experiment is carried out with the help of the web-service “STIMULUS” (, developed by O.F. Zagorodnia, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor Y.V. Zagorodni using Delphi 7 programming language; statistical method – to calculate the number of reactions within the associative field of contextual synonymy; methods of statistical data representation – to specify the behavioral structure of associative reactions. Results. The results of the research reveal that associativity in the lexical system is a productive way of creating new meanings of the lexical units, which are based on the ability of the mental lexicon to create associative links under the influence of certain factors. The core and periphery of associative fields of political content of such stimuli were determined: BORIS JOHNSON, WAR, EMANUEL MACRON, TORIES, BIG DOG, PUTIN’S INVASION, WAR. It has been found that the current psycho-linguistic context causes a large number of reactions to the political person or phenomenon. Associative experiment in the study of contextual synonymy showed that the EMANUEL MACRON stimulus nuclear zone has only thematic reactions, while the BORIS JOHNSON stimulus nuclear zone has evaluative states. The TORIES and PUTIN’S INVASION stimuli are composed only of the nuclear zone. Conclusions. The phenomenon of contextual synonymy with a reference to the socio-political context is actualized depending on the lexical system’s connotative links and background knowledge, current political situation in the world, gender identity, age, professional orientation and socio-psychological background of the respondent.


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