No. 86 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
General linguistics


Oksana Aurelivna Bohovyk
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazarian

Published 2021-07-01


  • repetition, stylistic devices, expressive syntax, fiction, function, emotion
  • повтор, стилістичні засоби, експресивний синтаксис, художній текст, функція, емоція


Purpose. The task of this article is to study the use of gemination that is the stylistic device of repetition. It is used to depict the emotional states of the characters in the novel “451 degrees Fahrenheit” by the American writer Ray Bradbury. Until now this topic has not been examined thoroughly in scientific studies. It seems interesting to mark gemination as positive and negative one by means of the context that helps to acquire a certain expressive and evaluative judgment.

Methods. The research is carried out using a descriptive method for cataloguing, systematization, and classification of factual material, as well as methods of theoretical generalization and analysis. The method of contextual analysis is used to clarify the role of expressive means in the text of the novel. This method is aimed at revealing the context, taking into account the author’s intention, and commented on the means of expression used by the writer. The application of these methods allows analyzing the use of the stylistic figure gemination as an expression of the characters’ different emotional states.

Results. The article considers the theoretical aspects of repetition and stylistic devices which are based on its principle. In the novel, repetition functions as one of the principles to verbalize the expression of the characters’ emotional states. The views of linguists on the peculiarities of gemination’s functioning in the language are analyzed. The attempt to give the definition to this stylistic device is made. In linguistics, gemination is characterized as a phenomenon of the expressive syntax that has a contact location. The achievement of the influential effect is due to redundancy.

Conclusions. The analyzed examples which are based on gemination mostly describe negative emotions. The number of examples in the novel where gemination is used to denote positive emotions is rather small. It is emphasized that such a distribution is not usual as it depends on the genre, the text’s general tone, and the context of the analyzed stylistic device.


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