No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary theory


Dmytro Ihorovych Drozdovskyi
Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Published 2021-04-12


  • meta-genre pattern (meta-genre form), genre theory, mystery, carnival, tragedy, comedy
  • метажанровий патерн (метажанрова форма), теорія жанрів, містерія, карнавал, трагедія, комедія


Purpose of the paper is to clarify the model of the kind-type-genre vertical presented in the theory of genres.

Methods: typological analysis (historically comparative).

Results. The author has substantiated that in the traditional model of genre evolution it is important to denote also the metagenre pattern (meta-genre form), which contains information about the most distant genre characteristics in time, which will later develop a separate line in genres and genre varieties. In different cultural and historical periods, the stability of the genre is determined by the existing meta-genre forms, which serve as the core of the genre, ensuring the stability of key components and at the same time assimilating in different ways innovations due to worldview, aesthetic doctrines, etc. Each cultural-historical epoch reinforces and absorbs something to the genre; however, the meta-genre pattern implies the stability of the genre core and makes it possible to trace the evolution of key genre characteristics. It is suggested that in the classical model in the paradigm of kind-type-genre vertical it is important to denote a meta-genre pattern that contains the archetypal memory of the genre. The analysis of the origins of tragedy and comedy in the ancient period gives grounds to state the presence in each of the genres the features that later acquire a development in the paradigm of each genre model. The meta-genre pattern combines opposite characteristics of the genre, which indicate the emergence of genres from a common source. The legitimacy of substantiation of mystery as a meta-genre form of literature is proved. Modern approaches to the interpretation of the genre in the context of not only literary concepts, but also findings in cultural studies have been discussed.

Conclusions. The interaction of the mysterious and the carnival in the most ancient forms of tragedy and comedy has been studied. The research gives grounds to speak about the mystery and the mysterious as the oldest factors of drama, containing the archetypal memory of the genre. It is reasonable to distinguish mystery as a type of drama and a meta-genre form. Meta-genre pattern represents itself differently in various cultural periods determining their dynamics of transformations.


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