No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Intercultural communication


Olha Oleksandrivna Zabolotska
Kherson State University
Oleksandra Volodymyrivna Zabolotska
Kherson State University

Published 2020-11-05


  • iconic and verbal component, visual communication, functional and pragmatic potential
  • іконічний і вербальний компонент, візуальна комунікація, функціонально-прагматичний потенціал


In the situation of computerization of modern society, the influence of the media on the way of life, the worldview and the consciousness of most people is evident. An attempt to overcome the language barrier of representatives of various linguistic cultures is playing a dominant role of nonverbal information in today’s global communication and the emergence of new visual and verbal forms of the Internet communication.

The purpose is to distinguish functional and pragmatic potential of demotivators in the Internet discourse.

Methods. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: a descriptive method, the method of semantic analysis, of stylistic analysis, of interpretive and textual analysis.

Demotivational posters are a special way of transmitting information, as prepositions are important for the fullest possible understanding of its meaning: the demotivator can contain such semantic components that do not find direct expression, and the reader decodes these meanings on the basis of their own experience, knowledge of typical situations, historical and cultural background and knowledge. The main function of demotivational posters is considered to be a cognitive one, as the information presented in demotivators can form the thinking of youth audience, its evaluative and normative system. Demotivators also realize volutative, axiological, aesthetic, emotional and expressive functions and the function of forming reality.

Results. The analysis of demo poster showed that the type of demotivators can determine their pragmatic potential: original, philosophical, social and advertising demotivators promote the main values and realize the volitional intention of the speaker, i.e. suggestive impact on the recipient that helps to create a spiritual guidance and a new type of thinking among young people; humorous and esoteric demotivators depict famous facts from youth’s life in an ironical and sarcastic manner, disclose social reality, have entertaining character, carrying out both emotional, expressive functions and a function of forming virtual reality.

Conclusions. Demotivational poster is a special way of transmitting information in the Internet discourse, which defines its moral and value orientations, the attitude towards the surrounding world.


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