No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Liudmyla Mykolaivna Saliоnovych
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Viktoriia Viktorivna Rubtsova
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

Published 2020-11-05


  • linguocultural units, ethnoculture, diachronic multiplicity, asymmetry of linguocultural units
  • лінгвокультурема, етнокультура, діахронічна множинність, асиметрія лінгвокультурем


The article deals with the study of translation multiplicity as a linguistic phenomenon, which is extremely relevant because the writer’s idiolect forms the uniqueness of the literary text, and this uniqueness should not be lost when translating the text into another language, especially if the text is retranslated at different times.

The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze variants of translation of linguocultural units in translations of Ivan Franko's novel “Zakhar Berkut”.

Methods. General scientific methods were used in the research, namely: theoretical – contextual and interpretive analysis, and empirical, in particular descriptive, due to the purpose of the study.

Results. The phenomenon of translation multiplicity, which has been studied in translation studies for more than thirty years, is considered. It is noted that the first translations are naturalized, i.e. get under domestication, while retranslations get under foreignization, as the first translation aims to present the original text of new culture that is potentially reluctant to accept foreign text in the adapted form for gradual integration into it, while a re-translation demonstrates certain level of assimilation. Some scientists do not consider these postulates to be proven, so they put forward other theories about the phenomenon of translational multiplicity. Given the research of linguoculturologists, each language operates a certain system of culture units that characterize the uniqueness and difference of language from other ethnocultures, and based on this thesis, the linguocultural units in Ivan Franko’s novel “Zakhar Berkut” as well as variants of their translation into English have been analyzed and described.

Conclusions. Linguocultural units transmit ethnoculture, they contain certain culturally important information encoded in lexical units. Understanding the national and cultural content of linguocultural unit acquires additional meaning when comparing translations, which is clearly demonstrated in the comparative analysis of two variants of I. Franko's novel translation. It is appropriate selection of linguistic equivalents of another language that allows complete reproduction of translated text, and the reader will perceive it as a unique, inimitable phenomenon, and the success of such a translation should be facilitated by the studies of the translation multiplicity.


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