No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Natalia Oleksandrivna Lysenko
National University of Pharmacy
Liliia Fedorivna Doroshyna
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Published 2020-11-04


  • archetype image, archetype mother earth, author’s transformations of archetype images, poetic model of the world
  • архетипний образ, архетип мати-земля, авторські трансформації архетипових образів, поетична модель світу


Purpose. To investigate the author’s transformations of ethnocultural archetype mother earth in the individual poetic styles of O. Dovzhenko and T. Osmachka.

Methods. With this aim we used the comparative method, as well as the methods of partial search and of seme componential analysis.

Results. The author of the article gives a comparative analysis of the associative connections and verbal means which give creative representation of the image of mother earth in the literary output of the two authors. It is noted that the both writers interpret archetype earth via the metaphor of earth as the mother. For O. Dovzhenko archetype earth is one of the primary archetypes of his poetic style. The earth gives new life, vivifies and re-creates the world so it is associated with a woman, a mother. With the aim of depicting archetypical characteristics of mother earth the writer uses such means of language as popular traditional descriptors (сира, рідна, українська), metaphors (рідні руїни, мертві подвір’я Києва), personification (матернє лоно, лице землі). The individual style of T. Osmachka transforms the archetype mother earth as the facts of life change: the motive of the Mother of God in the image of earth is characteristic for the early period of his writing. The article cites and analyses the examples of overlapping of archetype mother earth with the image of Mother of God and with the image of Ukraine. Also the article examines the image of earth in such metaphoric binaries as перса землі, душа землі, ребра землі, as well as poems “Mein Lieber” and “No” (from the “Racemes of Time” collection written in the emigration) which are emblematic of the transformations of image.

Conclusions. The creative heritage of both authors is determined by similar ethnocultural archetypes the individual authorial transformations in which can be found in the texts created during different periods of time. The archetypal image of the mother earth is dominant in style of O. Dovzhenko and T. Osmachka. The author's realizations of the studied archetypal image, as a whole, are the main Ukrainian literary tradition and poetic model of the world.


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