No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Tetiana Volodymyrivna Kremenieva
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Published 2020-09-04


  • term, morphological way of word formation, suffixation, prefixation, prefixal-suffixal term form
  • термін, морфологічний спосіб словотворення, суфіксація, префіксація, префіксально-суфіксальне термінотворення


The purpose of the article is terminological examination of the professional language of an educator with an affixal way of formation which includes suffixal, prefixal and suffixal-prefixal methods of term formation. In this regard, such types of affixal word formation as suffixation of nouns, adjectives and verbs of the terminology of an educator, prefixation of nouns and verbs and prefixal-suffixal word formation of nouns and adjectives are analyzed. The percentage of pedagogical affixal terms was determined by a quantitative method from the total number of 3000 terms of the professional language of an educator, which defines the productivity level of this term formation type in the professional texts and which an educator can use during the learning process in any educational establishments.

Results. The main types of prefixes and suffixes are established and classified in the pedagogical literature and their usage frequency is determined. The most frequent suffix is -ung, which forms the predominant number of suffix terms with its number 30.8%. The other productive suffixes of both foreign and German origin are -tion, -er, -keit, -tät, -ie, -ik. They are -isch, -iv, -lich in the adjective terms. The verbs are only formed by the suffix -ier. The most common among the prefixes are aus-, auf-, ober-, but they are not productive in the term formation of an educator, as they make up only 2% terms, while the suffixal terms are 12%. The suffixal-prefixal method of affixation is also not numerous with 3% of substantive terms of an educator professional language with the most productive models be- + -ung, ver- + -ung, er- + -ung. The number of prefixal-suffixal adjectives is only 0.5%, where the term formation occurs with the help of various prefixes and suffixes.

Conclusions. The total number of affixal term formation of the professional language of an educator is 17.5%, which allows showing trends in the further development of pedagogical terminology as a reason for the formation and further development of pedagogy as a science. The relevance of this issue allows its further study in the sphere of education.


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