No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Russian language and literature


Svitlana Oleksandrivna Fokina
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Published 2020-09-04


  • “psychic plot”, erotic discourse, borderhood, twins
  • «психейний сюжет», еротичний дискурс, двійництво


Relevance is motivated by the interest of modern philology in the phenomenon of the literary diaspora and its heritage.

The methodological foundations of this study is determined the traditions of the study of erotic discourse (R. Bart, J. Kristeva, P. Kinyar, M. Epstein).

The novelty of the article is due to the attention to the microethics of A. Petrova, the study of which has not yet been carried out. The purpose of the article is to trace the manifestations of the erotic labeling of the “plot of Psyche” in the subtext layer of the poem chosen for analysis. The text shows two opposite lines of the lyrical plot, internally connected and complementary to each other are separation and mutual attraction. The erotic discourse is actualizing in the lyrical message of A. Petrova the mythological potential, includes in its semantic spectrum the mythology of the origin of eros and the “plot of Psyche”. The transom is involves borderline and contact, both communication of the self with the other, and approaching something beyond the limits of the ordinary world. The intermedial components of the “plot of Psyche” are emphasized in the poem by A. Petrova with the theme of stars and a knocked-out frame. In erotic discourse by A. Petrova models the situation of the relationship of the lyrical self with his lover as a twin, representing the imaginary and coveted “other” with his mirror. The “plot of Psyche” is contributes to the inclusion of the theme of twins in erotic discourse.

Conclusions. The semiosphere of the lyrical message is becomes an addition to the external laconicity of the poetic word by A. Petrova. The “plot of Psyche” contributes to the expansion of the interpretive framework of the poem. The passion codes are manifested not only in the field of intimacy, but also in the topos of borderhood, intermediality and mirroring.


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