No. 81 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Natalia Vasylivna Kobzey
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Published 2020-07-08


  • adjacent arts, synthesis, integration, semiotic system, verbal music, verbal text
  • суміжні мистецтва, синтез, інтеграція, семіотична система, «вербальна музика», вербальний текст


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to attempt to comprehend Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s work through the lens of intermedial theory and to identify in it the elements of related arts (painting, sculpture, music).

Methods. The following methods of linguistic analysis are used in the work: information-semantic (with its help the semantic formation in the text by means of the information are available in it), structural-fragmentary description (separate text segments are allocated and their analysis is carried out), associative field (detection and interpretation of associative links between words), contextual and intertextual (explication of the functioning of linguistic signs of culture in the horizontal and vertical contexts of Ukrainian literature).

Results. After analyzing the works of Volodymyr Vynnychenko, the author of the article identifies in them the so-called intermedial typology. It is to incorporate plots, images and motifs of works of painting, music and sculpture into works of fiction. Such attention to the problem of inter-artistic relations in works of fiction has increased with the emergence of a new trend in literary studies – an intermedia. Volodymyr Vynnychenko was a great writer, so he worked systematically and exhaustively with complete dedication and self-sacrifice. And he was a talented rebel artist and reformer, so in many of his works we meet young aspiring artists who seek to reorganize traditional approaches to imaginative opportunities in the arts.

He also has a “blend” of sculpture into the canvas of a literary work. Vynnychenko was able to immovable artwork “to revive”. After all, in the literary work of static images do not exist, they come to life, feel, think, take a direct part in the unfolding of a dynamic plot.

Even in the works of V. Vynnychenko there are many musical “splashes”. They all have one thing in common – the presence of the so-called (according to the classification by Steven Paul Scher) verbal music. That is, we find descriptions of musical works and their impressions by means of fiction.

Conclusions. In the creative work of Volodymyr Vynnychenko, there are “intersections” of related arts, paintings and music “codes”, which have a deep meaning, show that the literary creativity of the writer is “open” to interaction and interpretation. The writer assimilates the characteristics of other arts and skillfully manages them. From painting, he borrows the visual, plasticity and clarity of the lines he adopts in sculptures, saturates his works with a peculiar musical sensibility. The writer successfully combined all this with a realistic plot. It was indicated by his naturalistic manner of writing, which also required the author to address the pressing problems of the time.


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