No. 79 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Language and mass media


Published 2019-11-04


  • metaphor, metaphorical nominations, euphemism, means of euphemism, the language of mass media
  • метафора, метафоричні номінації, евфемізм, засіб евфімізації, мова ЗМІ


The article analyzes the metaphor as a means of euphemizing the modern language of the media, as the metaphor has unlimited semantic potential and is able not only to facilitate the process of perception and understanding of the material, but also to “veil”, “mask” unwanted information elements.

The purpose of the survey – is to identify metaphors, that play the role of euphemisms in the language of modern media, finding out the language means of expressing euphemisms and scope eufemio paraphrasing, where the role of euphemisms used a metaphor; to define the functions of the euphemisms, metaphors in the language of the media.

Research methods – the linguistic description; analysis and synthesis; method of the contextual-semantic analysis; method of the contextual analysis.

The result of this study identified the following linguistic means of the expression of euphemisms: metonymic nomination, metaphoric nomination, pronominals, synecdoche, paroma replacement, the use of book words and expressions, the use of foreign words, the transfer “from kind to kind”, paraphrase, antonomasia, transfer “to the view”, meiosis, elesis; areas eufemio paraphrasing: diplomacy; the radical actions of the government; state and military secrets; activities of the army, intelligence, police, criminal investigation, authorities, whose activities should be covert; sphere of distribution and service; some professions; euphemistic replacement of names of objects / social phenomena / criminal violations that are negative, hostile, painful perceived in society. We characterize euphemisms in social spheres of human activity from the positions of their target orientation; interpretations of themes and spheres of social life in which euphemisms are used. Euphemisms are used to avoid communicative conflicts “camouflage” “camouflage” reality; message encryption.

Conclusions. The causes of the social aspects of euphemisms associated with socalist of human language; socality the very human desire to avoid rough, harsh assessment of the subject of speech; the psychological mechanisms eufemio replacement; mitigating harsh words and expressions, the “masking” nature of the phenomenon.


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