No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Сomparative literature


Published 2019-09-19


  • religious and poetic consciousness, typology, motive, gospel topic, ambivalence
  • релігійно-поетична свідомість, типологія, мотив, євангельська топіка, амбівалентність


The specificity of the religious and poetic consciousness of B. Brecht and J. Brodsky is considered in the typological aspect. A common factor for comparison is the introduction of thematic poems of both poets to the transistorical spiritual and poetic tradition of the world literature. Unlike J. Brodsky’s religious and poetic consciousness, B. Brecht has hardly been investigated. Few publications devoted to this problem are ideologically engaged, therefore, more attention is paid to the German poet. The textual analysis of poetry works and the play “The Bible” make it possible to state its features.

In the article, for the first time, B. Brecht’s drama “The Bible” is analyzed. It makes possible to trace the origins and development of his religious and poetic consciousness. It has been revealed that the basis of the conflict of the play “The Bible” is a key concept of “salvation”, which is differently understood by the parties of the conflict. For a grandfather, like the Old Testament holy man, it is salvation of the soul in heaven; for the younger generation this concept is a secular one: salvation on earth, the ability to avoid physical death at any cost. However, the author is not inclined to any of the positions. The difficult choice between orthodoxy and pragmatism should be made by the reader and the spectator, having his arguments pro et contra. The attitude of the characters to the Holy Scriptures is an important characteristic feature that clarifies the axiology and position of the author. The author uses biblical images, plots and reminiscences, which become parallels to the drama events. For example, the story of the dog is associated with the biblical story of Abraham, who was forced to prove his faithfulness to God by sacrificing his son Isaac.

As a result of comparing the religious and poetic consciousness of B. Brecht and J. Brodsky, a respectful attitude towards the Holy Scriptures, its influence on the formation of their worldview has been revealed; the circle of common motives for both poets, the Gospel topic has been outlined; the features of the chronotope, in which earthly time and space expands to the cosmic spheres, from a specific event to Eternity have been traced. All this testifies the cultural and Christian type of consciousness of the poets. Some differences have been identified: J. Brodsky’s existential interpretation of the loneliness of God-Son dominates, while B. Brecht emphasizes his proximity to ordinary people.


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