No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2019-09-19


  • expression, connotation, speech strategy, nationally-tagged concept, discourse, pragmatics
  • експресія, конотація, мовленнєва стратегія, національно маркований концепт, дискурс, прагматика


The article deals with the modifying role of expressive linguistic units in the development of Spanish nationally-tagged concepts reflecting national consciousness. Having analyzed speech strategies, created for collective recipient influence, we have found out that connotative colored language units are able to change concept value component and influence on the development of concept interpretive field. The expressive words are used by the addressee in syntagmatic relations with nationally-significant realities verbalizers in order to implement speech strategies for the mass consciousness influence. The most common tactics of speech strategies are opposition, evaluation, critique, call to action.

It has been established that linguistic units with positive connotative meaning combined with universal on nationally-specific axiologems serve to create a positive social reception of the phenomena, reflected in the national consciousness by the concepts INTEGRACIÓN, SOCIEDAD EUROPEA, ESPAÑA, PATRIA. The most used tactics of linguistic strategies, influencing on public opinion, are the use of antonyms to contrast the past and the future, lexemes with the meaning of “novelty”, “change”, “progress”, “future” to provide a positive connotation to the statement. Language units with negative connotative meaning are used to devalue certain concepts in the consciousness and to provoke decisive actions and search of other ways. The combination of a negative assessment with subjective semantics lexemes focuses on the subject, emphasizing his/her role in the deployment of certain events. The specificity of the discourse appealing to the collective recipient, characterized by a common national consciousness, is the ability of its language units with neutral connotations to acquire expression, provided that they are combined with verbalizers of nationally-important and nationally-determined mental units in a linguistic context.

Intentional and pragmatic modeling of the language world view is one of the factors of the nationally-tagged concepts evolution and it suggests that not only changes in the conceptual consciousness influence on the language world view, but the language world view can also influence on development vectors of nationally-tagged concepts prototype core, in particular on the formation of Spain image in the consciousness of its citizens.


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