No. 73 (2018): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Published 2018-05-17


  • onomastics,
  • phraseology,
  • onim,
  • proper name,
  • oikonym,
  • metaphor,
  • comparison
  • ...More
  • ономастикон,
  • фразеологізація,
  • онім,
  • власна назва,
  • ойконім,
  • метафора,
  • порівняння
  • ...More


The article attempts to study the interaction of the lexical and phraseological composition of the German and Ukrainian languages with onomastics. The peculiarity of the phraseological units studied in the proposed article consists, first of all, in a somewhat different mechanism of phraseologization in comparison with phraseological units that do not contain an onomastic component, since the main role here undoubtedly is assigned to the people who participate in the formation of the expressive and emotional coloring of the turns.


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