No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary process: theoretical and historical aspects


Published 2019-03-25


  • poetonym,
  • proper name,
  • fantasy,
  • idiolect,
  • occasionalism,
  • neologism
  • ...More
  • поетонім,
  • власна назва,
  • фентезі,
  • ідіолект,
  • оказіоналізм,
  • неологізм,
  • пропріалізація
  • ...More


The article deals with the peculiarities of the proper names in the literary works of the fantasy genre. The key features of poetonym word building and their structure have been analyzed and the role of poetonyms in the chosen literary genre has been determined.
The expressive potential of proper names in literary works is determined by their belonging to a particular type of literature and to some literary genre. Poetonyms of fantasy genre in literature are characterized by a special imagery. This problem is of considerable interest to researchers and is actively studied in Germanic linguistics. Considerable attention has been paid to the works of English-language classical fantasy, such as to the works of J.K. Rowling, J. Tolkien, R. Dahl, F. Pulman. Their skillful wording and a bright palette of onymic formations present in their works helped them to succeed in reflecting the genre features of this literary stratum. The topicality of the work lies in the fact that the question of the information interpretation contained in the proper names of the fantasy genre has not been fully elucidated. The author’s unreal world with numerous fictional, non-existent creatures presupposes his usage of original names and neologisms. They give the reader an opportunity to properly perceive and decode information about a new ethnic group and its culture,
which they themselves represent.
The object of the analysis is the structural features and formal representation of the proper names in the literary genre of fantasy, as well as the ways and patterns of their word building. The purpose of the article is to present the expressive potential and the main features of poetonyms in the genre of fantasy. Achievement of the given purpose involves the following tasks: 1) to determine the peculiarities of fantasy and its characters; 2) to analyze the key features of word building and structure of poetonyms in the genre chosen; 3) to interpret the role of poetonyms in the fantasy genre. The proper names in the literary genre of fantasy have been chosen as a material of the research.
The expressive capacity of poetonyms in the genre of fantasy are of keen interest for researchers. These lingual units are characterized by unusual forms, original content, and may act as a unique means of work decoding.


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