About the Journal
Title: Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Periodicity: 2 times a year
Issued since 1998
Founder: Kherson State University
Chief Editor: Ilinska Nina Illivna
Range of topics: theoretical and applied aspects of Slavic and foreign philology: literary studies, linguistics, translation studies, comparative studies, intercultural and mass communications. More details in the section Purposes and Ranges of Topics
Languages:Ukrainian, English, Polish, German, French, Bulgarian, Romanian.
Intended audience: scientists (linguists, literary critics, translators, teachers, philosophers, researchers of mass communications, art critics) and practitioners from various life spheres, where philology is used
Registered by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 2944 as of 24.10.2024 (Media ID: R30-05627).
Centre International de l'ISSN: 2663-2691 (Print), 2663-2705 (Online)
Collection of research papers “South Archive (Philological Sciences)” is included in the category "B" of the List of the Scientific Specialized Publications of Ukraine on the specialization B11 "Philology (with specializations)" according to the Decree of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 dated March 17, 2020
The journal is included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (the Republic of Poland).
The journal is indexed in ERIHPlus and NSD
The collection is posted on the website of Vernadsky National Library: “South Archive (Philological Sciences)”
The editorial board adheres to the “double-blind” peer review. The manuscript is sent to reviewers without specifying the names and contacts of the articles’ authors. Reviewers deal with an article as confidential data, while respecting the author’s right to non-disclosure of the information contained in the article prior to publication. The editorial board closely cooperates with the editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals of other educational institutions. Therefore, if necessary, to improve the quality of the manuscript review, qualified third-parties with in-depth knowledge of the subject matter of the article under review are involved. They provide their conclusions in writing.
Open Access Declaration
The scientific collection follows the policy of Open Access in accordance with the principles of the Budapest Open Access Initiative. To stimulate the exchange of knowledge and the internationalization of science, users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. The full text access to the Journal’s scientific articles in real time is presented in the official site of the Journal in the section Archives.