Submission requirements

Submission requirements
We kindly ask you to follow the rules of preparation, completion and design of manuscripts for the Collection of Scientific Papers "South Archive (Philological Sciences)". 

Requirements for the manuscript design
1. Articles are accepted in Ukrainian, English, German.
2. Format A4. Margins: top and bottom - 20 mm, left - 35 mm, right - 15 mm; font - 14; line spacing - 1.5; paragraph indent - 1.25.
3. Author's notes are made at the end of the pages using the symbol * as a footnote. The volume of the article is from 10 to 20 pages.

Academic integrity. The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company

The sequence of structural elements in a scientific article:
title of the topical section
UDC code
1. Indicated in the language of the article:
•title of the article;
• surname, name, patronymic of the author(s) of the article (2 persons max.);
• scientific degree, academic rank (if available), position, affiliation, e-mail;
• ORCID ID code. If the author is not registered in ORCID, it is necessary to create an account at;
• abstract and keywords.
Abstract volume: not less than 1800 characters without spaces.
The following abstract structure is required: Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Be sure to add 5-10 keywords or phrases to the abstract, none of which duplicate the title of the article.

2. The following elements should be indicated in English:
• title of the article;
• surname, name, patronymic of the author(s) of the article (2 persons max.);
• scientific degree, academic rank (if available), position, affiliation, e-mail;
• ORCID ID code. If the author is not registered in ORCID, it is necessary to create an account at;
• abstract and keywords.
The volume of the abstract in English: not less than 1800 characters without spaces.
The following abstract structure is required: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Be sure to add 5-10 keywords or phrases to the abstract, none of which duplicate the title of the article.

3. Text of the article:
Introduction is a mandatory part of the article, in which the author indicates the novelty of the topic and the relevance of scientific solutions. The purpose of the study should be clearly indicated along with the research objectives. It is necessary to indicate the research methodology, the logic of the presentation of the studied material.
The main text should be divided into meaningful sections with separate titles (up to 4-6 words).
The article should contain Conclusions from the conducted research, in which the expanded conclusions on results of research and prospects of the further researches in this direction are presented.

4. Literature:
The bibliographic description of the list is made taking into account the National standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic references. General provisions and rules of assembly".
For example:
1. Бовсунівська Т. В. Теорія літературних жанрів : Жанрова парадигма сучасного зарубіжного роману : Підручник. Київ: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр «Київський університет», 2009. 519 с.
2. Поліщук Н. Трансформація міфологеми Агасвера в західноєвропейській літературі ХІХ - ХХ ст. Автореф. дис… канд. філол. наук: 10.01.04. Львівський нац. ун-т ім. І. Франка. Lviv, 2001. 20 p.
3. Brendler G. Martin Luther. Theology and Revolution. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1983. 452 s.

5. References:
It is assembled in accordance with the APA Style Reference Citations. Author (transliteration), title of the article (transliteration), title of the article (in square brackets translation in English), name of the source (transliteration), source data (city in English), publishing house (transliteration). For example:
1. Bovsunivska T.V. (2009) Teoriia literaturnykh zhanriv : Zhanrova paradyhma suchasnoho zarubizhnoho romanu. [Theory of literary genres: The genre paradigm of a modern foreign novel]. Kyiv: Publishing and printing center "Kyiv University", 519 p. [in Ukrainian].
2. Polishchuk N. (2001) Transformatsiia mifolohemy Ahasvera v zakhidnoievropeiskii literature ХІХ - ХХ st. [Transformation of Ahasverus mythologeme in Western European literature of the 19th - 20th centuries]. Synopsis diss. Cand. Of Phil. Sciences: 10.01.04. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv. 20 p. [in Ukrainian].
3. Brendler G. (1983) Martin Luther. Theologie und Revolution. [Theology and Revolution]. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin. 452 s. [In German]
Transliteration of names and surnames from the Ukrainian language is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Normalization of the Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet by Means of the Latin Alphabet" No. 55 dated January 27, 2010.
Rules for making references to literature and bibliographic description:
References are given in the text only in parentheses according to the example:
1. One source (Mossop, 2020: 34), (Жадан, 2023: 10–11);
2. Two or more sources (УМЕ (Вихованець), 2007: 625; Соколова, 2009: 17).
3. Source without given page (Малиновський, 2022); ( цит. за: Sweeney Seamus, 2014).

Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers. It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.