Terms of publication

Requirements for publication of research articles

To publish the article in the journal № 98 it is necessary till July 26:

1)  fill in an electronic information about the author by the link

2) send the article designed in accordance with requirements by e-mail to the editors office

Attention! Articles of the students are accepted only in co-authorship with a scientific supervisor.

The editorial board of the journal carries out an internal anonymous review and verifies the articles on plagiarism. In the case of a successful verification, authors are sent details to pay a publication fee.

Materials should be sent in electronic form at address: editor@pa.stateuniversity.ks.ua

The example of files names: Sydorenko_Article, Sydorenko_Payment.

Journal electronic version will be available on the website on September 30, 2024.
Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it before October 30, 2024.