Published 2024-03-25
- тревелог, фікційні техніки, документальний текст, полікодовий текст, карикатура, картун
- travelogue, fictional techniques, documentary text, polycode text, caricature, cartoons
Goal. The purpose of this article is to put an issue and outline the main interaction ways of caricature, as a fictional tool, and travelogue, which is determined as a factual narrative that reflects the geographical, ethnographic, and socio-cultural specifics of other or the own space and is based on the of the route and autobiographical experience validity. Methods. The research methods are the systematization of modern studies about the interaction of fictional techniques and travelogue, the semiotic analysis of the intermedia interaction between visual (caricature) and verbal components, and the intertextual analysis of parodic and satirical images. The results. The article deals with the theoretical problem of the interaction between the travelogue, satire, and parody in the context of the fictional techniques’ influence on the documentary text. The research material is the polycode travelogues of the middle of the 19th century when humorous illustrated books gained popularity and were bestsellers, in particular, the works of Richard Doyle, Charles F. Brown (pseudonym – Artemius Ward), and Thomas W. Knox. A thorough examination of the satirical and parodic elements in travel literature, through contemplations on the interaction between the imaginary, fictional, real, autobiographical, and ethnographic, can serve as a solid foundation for analyzing such works, as well as its consideration in diachronicity. Conclusions. The visual representations of the journey interact with the written text in various ways, include satirical imagery in the factual presentation, and incorporate the satirical-parody concept into the narrative. Despite different functional features, caricatures and cartoons are mediators between the author’s world, reflecting his attitude and impressions, the fictional world (literary, visual representations) and Other. Caricature images belong to the realm of the imaginary, as well as fictional discourse, especially used in a parodic function. Still, they have the potential to document as an autobiographical experience, so an ethnocultural specificity.
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