No. 96 (2024): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Published 2024-03-25


  • інтерв’ю, дискурс, структура інтерв’ю, жанрові особливості інтерв’ю, дискурсивні ознаки інтерв’ю
  • interview, discourse, interview structure, genre features of the interview, discursive features of the interview


Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to define the concept of “interview”, and to highlight its main genre modifications and discursive characteristics. Methods. The research was carried out using certain methods: analysis of lexicographic sources and dictionary definitions, discourse analysis method, and pragmalinguistic analysis method. Results. In today’s conditions, the focus of the philological paradigm on the study of the problems of generation and functioning of multidirectional genres that make up the mass media corpus, in particular, interviews, seems to be particularly promising among linguistic research. As one of the most common types of mass media discourse, the interview plays a significant role in fulfilling a socially oriented task, enabling the audience to receive socially significant information from the source. The article examines the specifics of one of the most widespread genres of the modern media space – the interview, which plays a significant role in fulfilling a socially oriented task. It is thanks to interviews that the audience receives socially significant information from the primary source. The article provides a detailed analysis of the formation of the conceptual boundaries of the terminological unit “interview”. Along with outlining the semantic scope of the term, the author also presents modern approaches to the classification of genre modifications of the interview, which form its main body in journalism. The author of the article pays considerable attention to the interview as a discursive practice, which is characterized by a peculiar structure, method of organization, and social functioning. Conclusions. The genre modifications and discursive features of the television talk show mentioned in the article contribute to the formation of a kind of harmonious space, which is an informative and entertaining interaction aimed, on the one hand, at obtaining certain information from the interviewee by the interviewer, and on the other hand, at transmitting this information to the audience orally through the television broadcasting system.


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