Published 2024-03-25
- актуалізація, картина світу, символ, образ, антропоморфізація, метафора
- actualisation, picture of the world, symbol, image, anthropomorphisation, metaphor
The article explores the concept of the flower in the novel “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” by David Lawrence. Even though certain aspects of the stated topic have already been partially covered in Ukrainian and foreign literary studies, there are no special investigations, which makes the presented research relevant. The article aims to determine the peculiarities of the actualization and functioning of the flower concept in the novel “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”. The attention is focused on the analysis of the concept of the flower in the projection of Lawrence’s philosophical views; the study of the artistic representation of flower images in the novel; and the characterization of the protagonists in the light of flower imagery. Methods. To solve the tasks, we use the principles of conceptual, hermeneutical, functional, and semantic approaches. Results. The study has confirmed that the concept of the flower is an important semantic construct in the work, through which Lawrence represents his own worldview and philosophical and aesthetic visions. The main features of the flower concept are brightness, completeness, maturity, perfection, tenderness, harmony, short duration, etc. These characteristics correspond to the author’s concept of the flower as the highest expression of life, its apogee. In human life, this exceptional state is achieved in unity with nature through the love and bodily union of a man and a woman – opposites that complement and enrich each other. In the author’s approach to the representation of flower images, there are two distinct trends. On the one hand, there is a tendency to anthropomorphize flowers, to humanise them, and, on the other hand, to identify characters with flowers or their elements. The spiritualized world of flowers acts as a metaphorical guide for Constance and Mellors on their way to comprehending the fullness of life. This approach creates a visual and symbolic convergence between humans and nature, demonstrating their intrinsic correlation and interdependence. Conclusions. Thus, flowers in Lawrence’s works go beyond their physicality to become a platform for the development of the characters’ emotions and feelings. They do not only surround the main protagonists from the outside but also have a profound impact on their identity.
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