Published 2024-03-25
- морфологічні терміни, ступені і різновиди транспозиції, субстантивація, ад’єктивація, нумералізація, прономіналізація
- morphological terms, degrees and types of transposition, substantivization, adjectivization, numeralization, pronominalization
Рurpose. The article analyzes the terms used to indicate the phenomenon of transposition in the system
of noun parts of language from the point of view of their establishment and codification, focusing attention
on the varieties and degrees of inter-partial transposition and on the international nature of these terms in
Ukrainian linguistic terminology. The goal is to investigate the recently expanded thematic group of term units
to denote the phenomenon of transition in the system of noun parts of language and its individual varieties
from the standpoint of the latest ideas developed on the basis of theoretical principles and from the point
of view of functional-categorical grammar.
Methods. Complex use of the descriptive method, the method of linguistic observation to clarify the problems
of establishment and codification of morphological terms, and the method of comparative analysis to trace
the dynamics of the formation of the specified term subsystem of grammar.
The results. In connection with the in-depth study, new understanding and interpretation of many
grammatical phenomena of the Ukrainian language, new terminology is introduced into scientific circulation.
The paper analyzes the emergence of linguistic concepts and term units to denote the phenomenon of transition
in the system of noun parts of language, characterizes its individual degrees and varieties. Attention is drawn
to productive and unproductive types of transitional phenomenon in the system of noun parts of language.
In the grammatical structure of the language, we observe dynamic processes associated with the functional
expansion of the quantitative composition of some linguistic units at the expense of other lexical-grammatical
classes (parts of the language), which are in constant motion and interact with each other. The most noticeable
transitional phenomena are observed precisely in the system of fully meaningful parts in particular in the system
of noun parts of language and are traditionally denoted by the terms substantivization, adjectivization,
numeralization, pronominalization.
Conclusion. Modern processes of term formation significantly expand the conceptual and terminological
apparatus of grammar, therefore the issue of organizing Ukrainian scientific terminology remains in the field
of view of researchers. To indicate the varieties and degrees of inter-partial transposition in modern scientific
literature, the terms internationalisms, which are based on Latin roots, are mainly used. All analyzed terms
replenish the linguistic terminology system with new units. The importance of introducing such terms into
scientific circulation is motivated and undeniable.
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