Published 2023-12-21
- подкастинг, подкастер, аудіоподкаст, відеоподкаст, семіотичний вимір, кодовий вимір, інформаційний вимір, cultural dimension, сугестія, інтерпретація
- podcasting, podcaster, audio podcast, video podcast, semiotic dimension, code dimension, informational dimension, cultural dimension, persuasive suggestion, interpretation
The 21st century has also been a time of significant expansion of digitalisation and linguistics in different studies and branches. The rapid emergence of podcasting has gone far beyond national borders. In 2005, podcast was the “Word of the Year” in the Oxford English American Dictionary. Actually, as in the USA in 2001 and in Ukraine in 2014 and 2022, “blogs and podcasts flourish in the suffocating atmosphere of war”. To achieve the research purpose of identifying the main features of the podcast as an up-to-date (audio and video) genre of medialinguistics discourse, such methods as observation, comparison, generalization, abstraction, analysis, induction, deduction, and methods of systematisation, classification, and translation were used. Results. Podcast as a genre of media discourse is examined interdisciplinarily within the fields of pragmalinguistics (semiotics, medialinguistics, and sociolinguistics). Particular characteristics of a genre are content, form and function. Thus, podcasts are determined to have these three features. Podcasters are represented by both independent amateurs and professionals. Media text is a product of a podcaster. This code depends on communications theories, models, and related aspects: coding, decoding, role-taking empathy, and persuasive suggestions / imposing. Media discourse is a communicative event, a product of communication participants, both the podcaster and the audience, through their perception, comprehension, appreciation, apprehension, cognizance, ideas sharing / assertions and interpretation. Hence, we interpret metalanguage. Conclusions. The pivotal findings of this research are three dimensions of the podcast as a genre of media discourse: 1) the code dimension that is characterised by the form, 2) the information dimension that is characterized by the content, and 3) the cultural dimension that is characterized by the conditional audience. Hence, podcast is a set of signs – semiosis characterized by code, information and cultural dimensions.
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