No. 95 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Published 2023-12-21


  • політичні тексти, відеожанри, вербальні компоненти, відтворення, національно зумовлені одиниці
  • political texts, video genres, verbal components, rendering, nationally-biased units


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe specifics of nationally-biased lexical units of the verbal representation in the Ukrainian translations of the British political texts of various video genres. The object of the research is verbal components of nationally-biased units and their representation in the Ukrainian translations. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of political texts with verbal component representation in the Ukrainian communicative situation. Main problems covered in the article include the connection of verbal communication with the image of speaker in political discourse and rendering of nationally-biased units reflecting British political arena. Methods. The following research is conducted with the help of several methods: method of stylistic analysis, discourse analysis method, comparative method and translation analysis method. The methodology of translation and interpretation research involves a set of procedures and techniques used to collect, analyze, and interpret data related to translation and interpretation of the text. The method of case study research is relevant for this research, since the author analyses particular cases of multimodal theory implementation in audiovisual material of various video genres. Case studies in translation and interpretation research can provide rich, detailed data that can help researchers gain a deeper understanding of the translation process, as well as the factors that influence translation quality. However, because case studies are focused on a specific individual or situation, they may not be generalizable to other translations. As with any research method, it is important to carefully consider the research question and the appropriateness of using a case study approach before conducting the research. Results. Since the article describes the characteristics of the verbal component representation of nationallybiased lexical units in the British political texts of various video genres and their Ukrainian translation, each genre of political discourse has unique parameters of carrying information to the interlocutor. As the communicative aim differs in each of the represented genres, it is difficult for a translator to grasp the gist of the main idea of the utterance. Non-verbal components of communicative act are considered as the confounding factor in choosing the right strategy of source language text translation. The features of non-verbal communication are investigated in the article with the aim to create the new rendering paradigm for non-verbal components. Following this objective, the videos of different video genres have been analyzed, among them are recordings of interviews and political debates containing the nationally-marked lexicon of Great Britain. It is concluded that the genre specificity of multimodal text is the contributing factor in choosing the right strategy for text rendering as a semantic unity. Conclusions. It is stated that the verbal components of translation of political texts in the British and the Ukrainian media should consider cultural differences of both countries, avoiding typical cultural stereotypes, and ensure equivalency of the translated lexical units; choosing an approach to express denotative meanings specifically, the units of the national vocabulary strictly predefine some specific factors, including especially semantic and structural ones the complexity (or similarity) of specific culturally biased vocabularies from the source language. The choice of translation method may depend on the style of the source language text, hence, the concept of a certain source circuit affects its language.


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