No. 95 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2023-12-21


  • дискурс, інформаційна війна, медіамовні кліше, наративи
  • discourse, information war, media clichés, narratives


The article purpose is to identify the linguistic, cognitive, and psycholinguistic aspects of the information war modern discourse. Methods. The results reliability and conclusions was ensured by the use of the following methods: functional and stylistic method (to identify the semantic and constructive elements in the structure information war texts); semantic and differential analysis (to trace changes, distinguish the semantics linguistic units). Results. The content analysis aspect of narratives is an important tool for decision-making and strategy formation after the invasion of an aggressor country. The study of narratives allows us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and methods and to formulate recommendations for success in further restoring and protecting territorial sovereignty. Presenting a true picture of the situation can change public perceptions and build support for countermeasures. Conclusions. The prevalence of positivism in the domestic and foreign information field of Ukraine is complex and often depends on political interests and context. Positivism can be traced in media clichés and narratives, including the description of Ukraine as a strong adversary, a reliable partner, and a supporter of democratic values. Negativism is found in the transmission of anti-Russian narratives, in the portrayal of a terrorist country.


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