No. 95 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2023-12-21


  • інновація, мовленнєвий вплив, семантика, девіація, словотвірна модель, соціальні мережі, голофразис, продуктивність, частотність, оказіональний інструментарій
  • innovation, linguistic influence, semantics, deviation, word-formation model, social networks, holophrase, productivity, frequency, occasional inventory


The article analyzes the consideration of innovative non-usual formations produced on the basis of compression, representing a specific layer of new words used in the texts of Internet discourse in the last decade and changing their structural and semantic organization in accordance with shifts in the worldview paradigms of communicators. Objective – to determine the mechanisms and specifics of explicating shifts in the worldview paradigms of Ukrainians through innovations generated by compression. Methods. The specificity of the chosen object of study necessitates the use of observation and comparison of speech material, analytical, synthetic and descriptive methods, modelling and analogies. Results. The phenomenon of hashtagging in online discourse has affected the desire of communicators for structural and semantic compression. Innovations – the consequences of standard non-usual compression are now contrasted with holophrase formations of the innovative type, in which the audiovisual complexities of reception and acoustic reproduction in innovations are largely weakened. The hybrid nature of neoderivatives is caused by the simultaneous involvement of graphization, transliteration, substitution, and anaphrasis in the compression process. The structural and semantic organization of hybrid compressives directly correlates with the worldview paradigms of speakers, in particular at the level of stratification of space within the dichotomy “own – foreign” on the basis of the signifier “antinorm”. Conclusions. It is summarized that one of the most productive ways of producing innovations within the Internet discourse over the past ten years is compression or holophrasis. It is found that compression, which traditionally represented lexical and syntactic splicing of words, has recently undergone structural and qualitative changes. It has been established that the merging of fragments is increasingly accompanied by one or more non-usual phenomena, among which the most illustrative are graphization, transliteration, substitution, anaphrase, etc. It has been documented that the hybrid nature of compression is primarily due to the conceptual guidelines of communicators – explicating shifts in the worldview paradigms of speakers, rather than an attempt to realize their own linguistic potential.


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