No. 94 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Language and mass media


Published 2023-11-10


  • загальновживана лексика, загальнонаукові терміни, вузькогалузеві терміни, лінгвістична дифузія, термінологічна асиміляція
  • common vocabulary, general scientific terms, specific terms, linguistic diffusion, terminological assimilation


The purpose of the study is to group English language economic terms used in the Internet news covering the current state of coffee industry on the basis of traditional classifications and find out specificity of their functioning on the sample of the American news website Sprudge. Methods. In order to realize the scientific tasks of the research, we used general scientific (generalization, induction and deduction) and empirical-theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis). Selection of the terms was performed with the method of sampling. The descriptive method and the method of semantic-component analysis were used for inventory and distribution of the examined terms into groups and identification of their specificity. Results. The content of the English language news website Sprudge is reflection of the current state of the development of coffee industry enterprises, including production and sales of raw materials and finished products. This American Internet-resource has permanent sections aimed at popularization of coffee culture around the world, therefore it is meant for a wide audience – from professionals in this area to ordinary lovers of this popular drink. Accordingly, the language aspect of the news content contains common vocabulary and terminology, mainly, from the field of economics. The articles of the website Sprudge inform about the activity of the participants of coffee business – from primary producers to end consumers, therefore, at a language level, it is reflected in frequent use of nouns and noun phrases denoting subjects of economic processes; verbs denoting their relationships; adjectives and participles mostly characterizing financial tendencies. Conclusions. The terms identified in the analyzed material mainly belong to general economic terminology, however, in most cases their meanings are specified/narrowed at the expense of attributes immediately relating to coffee industry that determines their transition to specific terms. Extralinguistic processes aimed at realization of the practices of sustainable development and environmentally friendly approaches to running business manifest themselves at a language level in the functioning of terminological phrases formed by combination of economic and ecological terms. In general, the specificity of economic terms consists in diffusion processes which determine transition of its considerable portion to common vocabulary that results from high frequency of using them in everyday speech.


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