No. 94 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Published 2023-11-10


  • лінгвокультура, мовна особистість, комічний ефект, універсальні теми, культурний компонент
  • linguacultural, linguistic personality, comic effect, universal themes, culture-specific topics, cultural component


The aims. The article is devoted to the study of the linguistic and cultural specificity of the political anecdote in the World Language Picture of the German-speaking world. The aim of the article is to study the influence of political anecdote on the dynamics of the Linguistic Worldview formation and its interaction with the elements of the Cultural Worldview in order to represent the results of political activity within the target linguacultural. Methods. In order to obtain reliable results of the study, traditional methods of linguistic research have been applied, in particular: component analysis to explicate the cultural component of meaning in a political joke and descriptive analysis to identify nationally specific elements in a political joke. The ethnolinguistic method is used to outline the value orientations and stereotypical images in the formation of the comic world of the target linguistic culture. In order to study the communicative (dialogic or monologic) intentions of linguistic personalities, which directly create a discursive product, discourse-typological analysis and content analysis are applied. Results. The Linguistic Worldview preserves background knowledge, individual and collective experience, and the mental image of a linguistic culture. The Linguistic Worldview develops only in interaction with elements of the Cultural Worldview. A political anecdote as an element of the Linguistic and Cultural Worldviews forms in the minds of representatives of the German linguistic culture the idea of models of the political world (parties, party membership, sources of community funding, ideological meanings, political figures) and linguistic means of their verbalisation (the highest degree of adjectival comparison, linguistic wordplay, syntactic constructions, use of symbols, realities and phraseological units, geographical names). Conclusions. In the linguistic picture of the German-speaking world, the political anecdote is a discursive formation with a comic effect and an existing pointe. Political anecdote in the German-speaking space accumulates and transmits national, national-specific and intercultural features of the political space of the target linguoculture in order to form a national identity mentality.


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