No. 94 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2023-11-10


  • прагматоніми, магазиноніми, мовний портрет міста, магазинонім у рекламі, назви підприємств торгівлі
  • pragmatonyms, shop names (shoponyms), a lingual portrait of the city, shop names in advertising, names of trade enterprises


The purpose of this article is to explain particularities of local pragmatonymical vocabulary in its linguistic and extralinguistic aspects. The object of our analysis is proper names of trading facilities: shops, department stores, grocery stores, super- and hypermarkets etc. Suggested article discusses certain aspects of trade enterprises naming, in particular, their functional and onomastic characteristics. The methods used in the research: descriptive, comparative, quantitative calculations, etc. Results. In a consumerist society the trade enterprises stand as crucial elements of economics and social life while their names become a significant element of personality’s linguistic worldview. Ukraine had joined the global economic system and one of the consequences of this process is an increasing number of language units which denote goods, trademarks and trading facilities, professions and spheres adjacent to them. Analyzed lexemes are related to proper names, specifically, pragmatonyms. It is an umbrella term for defining specific groups of proper names of objects which were conceived and implemented by people, i. e. according to the denotative-nominative classification of onyms these are objects associated with material sphere of human activity. Conclusions. Researchers often emphasize that the creation and functioning of pragmatonyms, like any other proper name, is always influenced by extralinguistic factors. It is admitted that pragmatonyms are key units of commercial discourse which function at the cognitive level of commercial influence. The names of the stores have lately illustrated the processes of rapid adaptation of the business sphere to the dynamic change of priorities and tastes of society. The influence of shop names on citizens cannot be underestimated, because in the linguocultural space of a modern city the advertising signs realize their functions in interaction with other visual and audial semiotic elements, which give them additional possibilities for influence and manipulation. This semiotic complex is usually perceived by speakers automatically and subconsciously but it is assimilated effectively and may reflect a certain linguocultural situation and linguistic tastes of a certain period as well as it may influence their formation.


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