Published 2023-11-10
- паремія, прислів’я, сурядне словосполучення, семантико-синтаксичні відношення, конотативне значення, синтаксичний рівень мови
- paremia, proverb, co-ordinate phrases, semantic and syntactic relations, connotative meaning, syntactic level of language
The purpose of the article is to identify the coordinate phrases in Ukrainian proverbs, to find out the peculiarities of their functioning and to study the connotative shades of the dominant semantic and syntactic relations realized in these syntaxes. Methods. The following methods were used to realize the aim of the study: the method of continuous sampling (it was used to single out the coordinate phrases within the paremias); the method of analysis (the semantic and syntactic relations functioning between the components of coordinate phrases were studied); contextual method and linguistic interpretation (the connotative shades of semantic and syntactic relations imposed on the coordinate phrases as components of proverbs are decoded); classification method (the coordinate phrases are organized into groups according to semantic and syntactic relations and their shades). Results. The analysis of the syntactic level of Ukrainian proverbs reveals that coordinate phrases are important bearers of their semantic component. It has been established that in the paremia that include these syntaxes, the main semantic load falls on the coordinate phrases. This is an evidence that these syntactic units belong not only to the abstract level of language, but also have significant pragmatic potential. It has been found that both open and closed type of coordinate phrases function within proverbs. Within the first type, the coordinate phrases realize connecting and separating semantic and syntactic relations with their shades. The second type is represented by syntaxes with contrastive and conjunctive relations, which also undergo certain modifications against the background of proverbs organized as sentences. The article also reveals the nature of complicated coordinate phrases in which several semantic and syntactic relations function simultaneously. Conclusions. The level of the syntactic organization plays an important role in revealing the semantic load of proverbs. A coordinate phrases at the level of language and at the level of use in communication has a different semantic projection. As units of language, the analyzed syntaxes have invariant manifestations of connecting, separating, contrasting, joining and other semantic and syntactic relations. However, being a unit of sentence structure, these relations are modified and acquire additional shades.
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