No. 66 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2017-02-27


  • communicative misunderstanding,
  • repair,
  • strategy,
  • tactic
  • комунікативне непорозуміння,
  • корегуюча репліка,
  • стратегія,
  • тактика


The article is devoted to studying strategic and tactical processing of the communicative situation of misunderstanding. In particular, attention is focused on the usage of repair to address this communicative cognitive difficulty. The study links self-repair and other-repair with the strategies and tactics used to overcome misunderstanding. The findings are supported with the examples taken from the English dialogical discourse.


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8. Psych: [TV series]: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops He’s Dead / directed by Tim Matheson. – NBC Universal Television, 2007. – Season 1, episode 11. – 44 min.
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12. The Big Bang Theory: [TV series]: The Military Miniturization / directed by Mark Cendrowski. – Chuck Lorre Productions, 2016. – Season 10, episode 2. – 19 min.
13. The Devil Wears Prada / directed by David Frankel. – Fox 2000 Pictures, 2006. – 109 min.
14. Two and a Half Men: [TV series]: Most Chicks Won’t Eat Veal / directed by James Burrows. – Chuck Lorre Productions, 2003. – Season 1, episode 0. – 22 min.
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