No. 93 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
General linguistics


Published 2023-08-31


  • вершини-oніми, антропоніми, ергoніми, ідеоніми, словотвірний ланцюжок, словотвірна парадигма, словотвірне значення, онімні похідні, ступені деривації
  • onymic vertices, antroponyms, ergonyms, ideonyms, word-formation chain, word-formation paradigm, word-formation meaning, onym derivatives, degrees of derivation


Purpose – to construct the models of formation of onims’ derivatives based on four degrees of derivation in the Ukrainian language, to analyze and describe the word-formation meanings and also their types of formation. Methods. To realize the goal, a new approach to the study of word-formation families with onymic vertices in the Ukrainian language has been developed, the following methods and techniques were used: descriptive, structural, word-formation analysis, word-formation modelling. The structural method, especially the method of Immediate and Ultimate Constituents, demonstrates that a world-formation family is an organized unit of derivatives with a common root, where the word-formation pair is the simplest formation, the wordformation chain and word-formation paradigm are more complicated. Results A new approach to the study of the models of word-formation families with onymic vertices in the Ukrainian Language has been developed in the article. The word-formation families have been modeled and the derivative lexemes have been systematized according to the degrees of derivation; the structure of word-formation families have been presented and the models of formation of onym derivatives based on four degrees of derivation have been constructed; the structure of word-formation families has been analyzed. Conclusions. In Ukrainian the most productive formation models of onyms derivatives based on four degrees of derivation were constructed; they are: [˽ ← ˽˄], [˽ ← ˽˄], [˽ ← ˽˄ ← ˽], [˽ ← ˽˄ ← ˽˄] and [˽ ← ˽˄ ← ˽ ← ˽˄]. In Ukrainian the leading method in formation of derivatives in analyzed wordformation families is affixation. The most productive types of affixation are prefixation, suffixation and prefixation-suffixation. The less productive type is word-composition (the formation of a new word by combining two or more stems, words or their abbreviations), the representation of other types of wordformation is minimal. The word-formation families, derivatives of which are on the first and on the second stages of derivation, predominate. The most numerous derivatives of all word-formation families are those of the first degree of derivation, as noun and adjective derivatives are formed.


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