No. 93 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literature of foreign countries


Published 2023-08-31


  • культурологічний контекст, бароко, Тридцятилітня війна, мотивний комплекс, мотив скороминущості і марноти життя, релігійно-містичні мотиви
  • cultural context, baroque, Thirty Years’ War, motive complex, motive of transience and futility of life, religious and mystical motives


In 2023, for the first time in Ukraine, the work of Andreas Gryphius, one of the most famous representatives of the German Baroque, was presented in a separate book, which contains more than 100 poems of various genres translated into Ukrainian, which creates the prerequisites for a more detailed study of his poetic universe. The purpose. The article highlights the problem of axiological identity and self-identity in the poems of A. Gryphius, which should create a new perspective for understanding the poet’s existence and projects the possibility of rethinking his aesthetic and ethical experience in modern social and cultural realias. Research methods are formed in accordance with the main provisions of cultural literary studies and discursive analysis. The connection between poetic texts and various contexts, in particular in the aspect of axiology and identity, is clarified through the prism of cultural literary studies. Discursive analysis is used to study the components of the construction of axiological identity in the poetic texts of A. Gryphius, to clarify the influence of historical events, cultural and artistic phenomena, the author’s personal experience on the formation of a value paradigm and its reconstruction in the research reception. The results. The article summarizes aspects of the literary study of the sonnet “Tears of the Fatherland” (“Tränen des Vaterlandes”), a landmark for the work of A. Gryphius, highlights the features of the entry of this sonnet and translations of baroque poetry into the Ukrainian cultural space, notes the important contribution of baroque art to the identification of the spiritual life of Europe, creation of common intellectual and artistic culture for the European continent. It is established that the axiological identity in the poetry of A. Gryphius is constructed through the expression of stability in the time of war destruction and troubles, the imperative of spiritual values (faithfulness to the faith that undergoes persecution; glorification of professional and moral virtues; exposure and condemnation of external falsity and mental baseness). The exaltation of the spiritual in the works of A. Gryphius is quite often combined with teachings and a call to a righteous life. Conclusions. In the poetry of A. Gryphius, the typological features of the Baroque and an individual worldview are organically combined. The motive complex of poetic works is formed under the influence of historical events, cultural and artistic phenomena of the 17th century. Axiological identity is represented by a set of Christian, civic, national, ethical and aesthetic values. The poet’s self-identity is constructed at the intersection of the catastrophism of life during the Thirty Years’ War, the value paradigm of Protestantism, and personal cognitive and emotional experience.


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