No. 93 (2023): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2023-08-31


  • роман травми, інтерпретація, метафора, травма, деструкт, Лялька
  • trauma novel, interpretation, metaphor, trauma, destruct, Doll


The article is devoted to the analysis of artistically realized trauma in the heroine of S. Protsyuk’s novel “Destruction of the Doll”. The work of the Ukrainian writer fundamentally reveals important issues of psychological formation and identity of the individual in the post-Soviet period, burdened by social and individual traumas. Artistic modelling of the signs of psychoanalysis (trauma, trauma transmission, trauma projections, space of silence and unlove, destructive feelings and emotions, corpus of obsessive thoughts, etc.) makes it possible to interpret S. Protsyuk’s work as a novel of trauma, which is amenable to productive analysis in the psychoanalytic dimension. Objective – to identify artistic markers of psychological destruction and components of psychotrauma in the heroine of S. Protsyuk’s novel “Destruction of the Doll”. Methods: by analyzing the text of the novel using the psychoanalytic method, studies of trauma, the specifics of artistic modelling and the peculiarities of the poetic depiction of trauma as a key identifier in the psychotype of the main character, which affects the form-content unity of the work, were clarified. Results. A number of negative influences are identified as the key destroyers of the heroine’s psyche in the novel, including unfavourable conditions of psychoidentity in the Soviet period, authoritarian parenting, marital conflict, destruction of healthy moral and family values, pathological worldview, etc. Disorientation in worldly imperatives, the result of the pressure of totalitarian ideology, conservative and authoritarian upbringing, indifference and coolness in relations with parents, lack of parental love and attention, social disorientation, anxiety and wariness, apathy are the factors of psychological trauma of the heroine of S. Protsyuk’s work. Destructive attitudes, the collapse of healthy interpersonal relationships, distorted frames of behavior, constant projections and transfers of trauma to non-love traumatized the heroine of the novel “Destruction of the Doll”. Conclusions. The lack of a positive example of healthy family relationships, parents’ restraint in communicating with each other and with their daughter, the pressure of the Doll as a complex of destructive factors, long-term mental stress, a state of indifference provoked the appearance of mental armour and agnosia in the character as significant factors of psychological traumatization. Neurosis, mental tension, the need for restraint, self-restraint and self-control, vigilance led to the mental duality of the heroine, extremely close to mental pathology. Constant mental stress, excessive anxiety, and neuroticism had a negative impact on Anna Sorochenko’s personal, psychological, and social identity.


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