Published 2023-06-08
- публіцистика, сленґізм, запозичення, комп’ютерна транслатологія, значення
- journalism, slang, borrowing, computer-assisted translation, meaning
Purpose. This article aims to identify the characteristics and development of computer slang in the modern world. The research objective is to analyze the most commonly used foreign language slang terms, recorded in the Ukrainian language newspapers “Po-ukrainski”, “Den”, “Ukraina Moloda”, written in Cyrillic script, which are used in the computer environment, determine their meaning and origin, as well as consider the peculiarities of their use in different countries and cultures. As a result of the article, readers will have the opportunity to obtain a more complete understanding of the terminology related to computers and the Internet, and enrich their vocabulary in this field. Methods. The study focuses on the use of computer slang in the language of Ukrainian publications. Various methods are employed to identify and analyze such slang expressions, including methods of textual interpretation analysis, discourse analysis, statistical analysis, and pragmalinguistic methods. Results. The main achievement of computer slang is the creation of specialized vocabulary that allows computer users to communicate quickly and efficiently with each other using abbreviations, acronyms, and other technical terms. Computer slang is an important part of speech in the internet and technology spheres because it helps to save time and simplify the communication process. Additionally, computer slang reflects rapid changes in the technology field and highlights new devices, programs, and technologies. They help people to better understand and communicate about these technologies, which in turn promotes the development of technical discourse and innovation. Overall, computer slang is an important communication tool in the digital world that allows users to communicate quickly and efficiently about technical issues and information related to computers and the internet. The consideration of computer slang is relevant because they reflect the evolution of language in the computerization era and open up new possibilities for communication in online environments. The use of computer slang ensures fast and effective communication between people who have shared experience in using computers and the internet. Moreover, computer slang allows for the effective expression of complex technical terms and concepts that would otherwise be difficult to convey in ordinary language. Therefore, computer slang can be useful for both professionals and newcomers in the field of computer technology and information technology. Conclusions. Journalists actively use slang words of foreign origin, reproduced in Cyrillic, in the texts of Ukrainian newspapers “The Newspaper in Ukrainian”, “The Day”, “The Ukraine is young”. Studies show that the use of computer vocabulary in everyday speech is becoming more widespread. Although such words may be incomprehensible to some people, they allow for greater accuracy and speed in transmitting information in communication between experts in this field. The use of computer technology contributes to improving the quality and speed of translation, as well as helping to store information in electronic form, providing quick and convenient access to it. Therefore, computer slang has its advantages and disadvantages, but its use allows for increased efficiency in communication and information storage in digital form.
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