Published 2023-06-08
- англійська мова, емоційний концепт, фразеологічна одиниця, фундаментальна емоція
- English language, emotional concept, phraseological unit, fundamental emotion
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the specificity of the representation of the core emotional concepts of fear, anger, sadness of the emotional picture of the world in English phraseology. Methods: definitional analysis (to determine the specifics of the essence of “emotional concept”), continuous sampling method (to form the source base of the research – phraseological units representing the nuclear emotional concepts of fear, anger, sadness of the emotional picture of the English world), conceptual analysis (to study the features of the manifestation of the specified emotional concepts in English phraseology). Results: 1) the key qualifying features of the emotional concept as a phenomenon of language, speech, and communication are determined; 2) the method of studying emotions at the phraseological level of the English language is outlined; 3) the features of the representation of nuclear emotional concepts of fear (a state of excitement / anxiety / restlessness caused by the expectation of something unpleasant, undesirable for the individual), anger (a feeling of strong indignation; a state of intense nervous excitement and / or irritation of the individual), sadness (unhappy, a difficult mood caused by grief, failure, other unfavorable circumstances for the individual) on the material of English phraseology are characterized. Conclusions. It was determined that the emotional concept is a complex multidimensional formation of a mental-affective nature, the core of which is the actual emotion felt by the speaker at a certain moment of speech and is manifested in his verbal and non-verbal speech. It has been proven that the emotional concepts of fear, anger, sadness are the core of the emotional picture of the English world. It was found that the phraseological units that verbalize them describe various emotional shades experienced by the speaker at a certain moment of his existence: the feeling of fear that the individual experiences and the feeling of fear that the individual causes; feeling of lack of fear, courage, self-confidence; feelings of irritation and anger caused by other people or objective circumstances; additional feelings accompanying the main emotion of sadness; the physical sensations experienced by an upset person.
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