Published 2023-06-08
- конструкції, форми вираження, аспект можливості, аспект неможливості, кримськотатарська мова
- constructions and forms of expression of possibility and impossibility, aspect of opportunity, aspect of impossibility, Crimean Tatar language
The purpose of our scientific work is to describe the adverbial constructions -a; -e; -y + bil- / -ıp + oland identifying their semantic meaning in Crimean Tatar language. А detailed study of the form of the impossibility aspect formed with the complex affix ‑alma‑; analysis of the formation of the impossibility aspect with the affix -ama/-eme; complex constructions and forms of expression of possibility and impossibility. Theoretical and practical materials about the category of the possibility and impossibility aspect of the verb in Crimean Tatar language are examined in the article. This topic was studied by many modern and Soviet Turkologists, in particular O.M. Samoilovych, A.M. Kononov, E.V. Sevortyan, A.M. Memetov, O.M. Harkavets, S.V. Sorokin. However, the grammatical constructions of the categories of the aspect of possibility and impossibility of the verb are not considered enough. Methods. The following methods and techniques were used to implement the goal: descriptive, observational, etymological analysis method and comparative method. The results. In the proposed article, for the first time, an attempt was made to analyze the constructions and forms of expression of possibility and impossibility in Crimean Tatar language. First, two types of constructions of the possibility form are considered; -e; -y + bil- and -ıp + ol-. During the work, an adverbial construction was discovered, which is a combination of two variants of constructions of the aspect of possibility al + ıp işle + (y)e de bil + ir + siñiz with the help of the particle da/de and emphasizes the simultaneity of two actions in the aspect of possibility. Secondly, the formation of the form of impossibility with the help of the complex affix ‑alma‑ was analyzed. Thirdly, the formation of the aspect of impossibility with the help of the affix -ama/-eme is considered. Conclusions. A detailed analysis of the adverbial construction of the form of possibility and impossibility in -ama/-eme in combination with the verbs olmaq and almaq has been attempted. Of course, our research is not complete and requires the continuation of research procedures.
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