No. 91 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Language and mass media


Published 2023-02-28


  • конфліктний дискурс, семіозис, мультимодальність, конфліктив, художній дискурс
  • conflict discourse, semiosis, multimodality, conflictive, fiction discourse


Purpose. The submitted paper aims to establish the specific features of conflict discourse from the viewpoint of modern semiotic studies and multimodal theory. Methods. The analysis of the proposed paper was carried out with the involvement of the methods of synthesis and analysis, inductive and deductive methods as general scientific methods for studying the history of the formation of semiotics and the prerequisites for the study of conflict communication from the standpoint of linguosemiotic analysis. The linguopragmatic method, contextual and multimodal analysis was also used to clarify the nature of semiotic processes in conflict discourse. Results. The results of the study testify to the presence of a deep semiotic internal structure of the conflict presented in the fiction discourse. The linguosemiotic model of any type of conflict provides for the combination of verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal semiotic resources as the central component of the model, which is located in the plane of intersection of the intentional and the resulting interpretant, forming a common communicative interpretant that allows the interaction to be interpreted as conflict interaction. The dynamic phases of conflict discourse development provide for the functioning of the structural units of each phase – the conflictives, the semiosis of which is carried out with the help of the complementary interaction of sign systems and is characterized by the disharmony of the intra- and interpersonal relations of the communicants. Conclusions. The obtained research results allow us to outline the general model of semiosis of various types of conflicts in modern fiction discourse from the standpoint of semiotics as a matrix discipline. The construction of a semiotic model of intrapersonal conflicts allows to improve and unify the scheme of linguosemiotic analysis of other multimodal types of discourse.


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