No. 91 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Published 2023-02-28


  • оптичний, акустичний, тактильно-кінестетичний, ольфакторний, канал, кінесика, проксеміка, хронеміка
  • optical, acoustic, tactile-kinesthetic, olfactory, channel, kinesics, proxemics, chronemics


Purpose. Our research aims to characterize the main channels of non-verbal communication represented in modern English-language fictional discourse. Realization of the set goal involves the following tasks: consider the essence of non-verbal communication; analyze optical, acoustic, tactile-kinesthetic, and olfactory channels of non-verbal communication. Discourse fragments reflecting non-verbal communication, selected from modern English-language fictional works, served as the research materials. Methods. The research was carried out with the involvement of the following methods: continuous sampling method, contextual analysis, and descriptive method. Results. As the research has revealed, all elements of non-verbal communication show a close relationship with each other, they can either complement each other or contradict each other. A characteristic feature of non-verbal communication is that it is carried out with the participation of all senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, each of which forms its own channel of communication. The main channels of non-verbal communication include optical, acoustic, tactile-kinesthetic, and olfactory ones which are represented in modern English-language fictional discourse. Conclusions. Sensory channels of non-verbal communication ensure the ability of people to receive biologically and socially significant types of information that come from the outer world. The English fictional discourse depicts the interaction between various forms of non-verbal information, transmitted through the channels of sensory modalities, and the interaction with the verbal information itself. Communicants use non-verbal means to express their intentions, like, establishing a psychological contact, expressing emotions etc. Non-verbal means take an active part in the formation of the communicant’s image and the revelation of his/her inner world.


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