No. 91 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2023-02-27


  • ареалізм, діалектизм, розмовно-просторічна лексика, стилізація усномовності, проза
  • arealism, dialecticism, colloquial-spatial vocabulary, stylization of spoken language, prose


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe linguistic stylistic markers of colloquialism in Oleksandr Vilchynskyi’s fiction. Methods. To realize the goal, the following methods and techniques were used: descriptive, semantic and stylistic, contextual and interpretive, reception of quantitative calculations. Results. The writer as a linguistic personality was formed in the territory of Western, Central and Southern Ukraine, which caused a certain composition of arealisms in his dictionary, in particular dialectisms, and colloquial and colloquial words. By analyzing the language of his stories “Kryivka”, “In the Steppe near Avdiivka”, novels “Trees on the Roofs” and “Other Doors”, it was found that the stylistic feature of the artist’s narrative is the stylization of colloquialism in order to reproduce the live speech of Ukrainians. Conclusions. Expressive markers of the colloquial nature of O. Vilchynskyi’s fiction are the wide use of such realisms in his prose as territorial dialectics and colloquial-spatial vocabulary. In the story “Kryivka”, the novels “Trees on the Roofs”, “Other Doors” the dialect vocabulary of the Galician-Bukovyna and Volhynia groups of dialects actively functions to denote persons, clothes, shoes, household items, properties of objects, certain actions and processes, etc. These areal components of the literary language reproduce the daily life, customs and peculiarities of speech of the inhabitants of Western Ukraine. In order to stylize the sociolinguistic conditions of the east of Ukraine in the story “In the Steppe near Avdiivka”, the writer introduces elements of Surzhik into the artistic narrative. The colloquial vocabulary mostly represents the artist’s native Ternopil Region and other regions of Western Ukraine. The most frequent are nouns and verbs representing the following lexical-semantic groups: names of persons, clothes and shoes, food products, transport, military equipment and ammunition (in the story “In the Steppe near Avdiivka”), processes and actions, etc.


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