Published 2022-09-07
- professional-non-professional valeological discourse, genre, interview-dialogue, interviewmonologue, interview-sentence completion.
- професійно-непрофесійний валеологічний дискурс, жанр, інтерв’ю-діалог, інтерв’ю-монолог, інтерв’ю-продовження речення.
Purpose. The research was carried out in order to conduct a complex analysis of the genre of interview on the level of its structural and compositional organization and to reveal its communicative aim in valeological discourse. Methods. Along with the dominant method of this study – linguistic observation – methods of analysis and synthesis were used, which contributed to obtaining convincing results. Results. The article analyzes a widely-spread genre of professional-non-professional valeological discourse – the genre of interview, whose texts were selected out of the electronic versions of six popular English magazines. It was found out that the communicative aim of the genre consists in highlighting the main healthy lifestyle principles through the prism of the celebrities’, famous and average personalities’ experience who achieved the desired result due to their persistence. It was found out that with the aim of attracting the potential reader’s attention and obtaining up-to-date information from the recipient, the genre of interview has been modified and its types of interview-monologue and interview-sentence completion are singled out. In both types, the initiator of the interview is somewhat hidden while first-person messages contribute to the personalization of communication and help the famous person stand out from the text. Special attention is drawn to the structural and compositional features of traditional interview (interview-dialogue), interviewmonologue and interview-sentence completion. The following structural components of the interview types were singled out: the title, lead, the main body, conclusions and the interviewee’s photo; their role in the organization of the verbal and visual components of the studied genre was identified. Conclusions. The genre of interview and its types are effective and convincing means of highlighting the main healthy lifestyle principles. Their structure and composition, personalized presentation style (the first-person narrative), relaxed communication tone, and the respondent’s photo contribute to gaining the trust of the reader and providing relevant information for its further practical application.
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