Published 2022-09-07
- expressive syntax, pragmatic effect, image, recipient, author’s idea.
- експресивний синтаксис, прагматичний ефект, образ, реципієнт, авторський задум.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of reproducing in the Ukrainian language such figures of expressive syntax as apposiopesis and parcelling in S. King’s novels “Dreamcatcher” and “The Dead Zone”. Methods. The scientific article used methods of comparative, translatological and contextual analysis. Stylistic units to be analyzed were selected by the whole selection. Results. In his work, S. King often takes up to such figures of expressive syntax as apposiopesis, which often consists in the omitting the last part of the sentence. The writer, thus, allows the reader to find the answer to the question, to guess the omitted information. Aposiopesis helps the author to convey the character’s thoughts, warnings and insecurities much better. With the help of this stylistic device, the feelings and emotions of the characters are accurately conveyed. The usage of silence in the context of the studied novels conveys an atmosphere of uncertainty and tension. Moreover, the apposiopesis helps to set the right emphasis, point out the key points of the story, and thus realize the author’s idea. Most often, the translator uses the method of literal translation to preserve the pragmatic effect on the reader and to convey both informational and emotional aspects of meaning without any loss. Deliberate division of the connected text into several intonation and punctuation independent segments is called parcelling. In S. King’s works, parcelling is used to create an atmosphere of fear and tension. It allows the reader to focus on the characters’ emotions, their thoughts, doubts and fears. The use of this syntactic tool helps to form in the reader’s mind a vivid image of the novel’s hero. Parelation is often used to imitate the living language of a character. It is the most successful way to express the thoughts and emotions of the hero. The translator took up to such techniques as combining the two components of parcelling into one complex sentence, omitting the word with its subsequent compensation, addition and literal translation. Conclusions. The analysis showed that in most cases the reproduction of these figures of expressive syntax is carried out by literal translation (63%). In addition, the translator used such transformations as omission (19%), addition (12%) and compensation (6%).
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