No. 90 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Published 2022-09-07


  • multimodal fictional (prose) text, verbal component, nonverbal component, iconic component, paragraphemic component, graphic component, GeM model.
  • мультимодальний художній прозовий текст, вербальний складник, невербальний складник, іконічний складник, параграфемний складник, графічний складник, GeM model.


The research focuses on the semiotic and narrative interpretation of modes of cohesion in English multimodal literary fairy tales written by Philip Ardagh. The purpose of the study is to identify and characterize the structural-semiotic and narrative aspects of the category of cohesion of multimodal literary fairy tales that determine its text-forming nature. The research methodology is based on the general provisions of the functionalism methodology with the use of structural-semiotic, narrative, and poetic-interpretive analyses with the involvement of the GeM model for the simultaneous analysis of verbal and nonverbal components in the multi-level structure of modern literary fairy tales. Quantitative analysis has been carried out with the aim of clarifying and establishing trends in the interdependence of verbal and iconic, paragraphemic, and graphic components in the narrative structures of fairy tales. In the percentage ratio, the multimodal modes of contaminated reference (modes of contaminated cohesion) according to micro-, meso-, and macro inclusions in the text of tales by Philip Ardagh are realised as follows: micro inclusions (69%), meso inclusions (24%), and macro inclusions (7%). Therefore, the identification of the topic in the structure of the content of supra-phrasal units of English multimodal literary fairy tales makes it possible to distinguish the antecedent and postcedent necessary for the determination of personal, indicative, comparative lingual, and contaminated reference. The determination of the segmental units of the verbal component in the rhetorical structure of the supra-phrasal units of multimodal literary fairy tales involves the selection of anaphora or cataphora and a detailed description of the verbal component (VC), iconic component (IC), and, if there is a paragraphemic component (PC), in order to establish their characteristic correlation – mostly parallel. The anaphoric and cataphoric deictic relationship between VC and IC may not coincide with the anaphora or cataphora of the linguistic reference. The arrangement of VC and IC is not regular in the structure of the layout of supra-phrasal units of literary fairy tales. In the linguistic structure of supra-phrasal units of fairy tales, the analysis of linguistic reference has confirmed the presence of contaminated cohesion, actualized through the use of mainly repetitive, additive, and isolating illustrations, as well as supragraphemics of PC. 


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Список джерел ілюстративного матеріалу:
21. Ardagh Ph. Grubtown Tales. Book One. Stinking Rich and Just Plain Stinky or A Diamond As Big As His Head / illustrated by Jim Paillot. London : Faber and Faber Ltd., 2009. 150 p. (SRPS).
22. Ardagh Ph. Grubtown Tales. Book Four. The Wrong End of the Dog or The Pedal-Bin Pelican / illustrated by Jim Paillot. London : Faber and Faber Ltd., 2010. 134 p. (WED).
23. Ardagh Ph., Cartney Mc.P. High in the Clouds / illustrated by Geoff Dunbar. New York : Dutton Children’s Books, 2005. 100 p. (HiC).