No. 90 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Published 2022-09-07


  • stylistic devices, expressive means, discourse, politico-ideological manifesto, pragma-communicative purpose.
  • стилістичні прийоми, виразні засоби, дискурс, політико-ідеологічний маніфест, прагма-комунікативна ціль.


Purpose. The following work deals with the research of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices within the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’ address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) as language arsenal to realize pragma-communicative purposes of the given discourse. Methods. The given investigation is fulfilled with the help of several methods: method of simple calculation, discourse analysis method, method of stylistic analysis, pure sampling and comparative method. Results. The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’ address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) is defined in given work as the political, ideological, argumentative and declarative discourse, as the politico-ideological manifesto of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of goodness. It is stated that given message as the politico-ideological manifesto contains its mission, strategic and tactic purposes, which is given in a declarative form as a virtual monologue resembling actual communication with silent addressee. It is pointed out that Boris Johnson’ address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) contains direct address to the people of the UK, Russia and Ukraine and indirect address to the allies with the purposes to express support and to give the real help to the Ukrainian people in their struggle for their independence and territory sovereignty, to condemn the Russian aggression and to stop war, to cease the European dependence on Russia, to defend the UK community and the whole democratic world from the barbarism, violence and tyranny of the Russian Federation as empire of evil. It is proved that the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson uses a system of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices in his address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022): polysyndeton, asyndeton, anticlimax, inversion, categorial transposition, epithets, metaphors, oxymoron, detachments, parenthetic sentences, parallel constructions of the anaphoric type, intensifiers, the Superlative degree of Adjectives, the modal verbs. Conclusions. It is stated that a system of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices within the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’ address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) is used to influence feelings and emotions of addressee, to provoke addressee’s attention to the problems of the message, to fulfill pragma-communicative purposes of the given discourse by putting language units in strong position of perceiving information or by creating their unusual forms.


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