No. 89 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
General linguistics


Published 2022-05-10


  • computer technologies, data set, datalogical stage, English, infological stage, innovations in language
  • комп’ютерні технології, сукупність даних, датологічний етап, англійська мова, інфологічний етап, новотвори у мові


Purpose is to study the stages of designing a linguistic database “Political neologisms in English”. Methods: methods of empirical research (observation, comparison, modeling), methods of the theoretical level (abstraction, analysis and synthesis, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete), linguistic methods (word-formation analysis (to determine the plan of expression of the neologism, namely the identification of the mechanism of formation of a single word); morpheme analysis (to outline the morphological features of neologisms, delimitation of ending, base, root and affix); component analysis (for the analysis of the structure and system of lexical meaning, which, in turn, allowed to divide the units by certain thematic groups and determine the evaluative component in the lexical meaning of neologisms), as well as the method of continuous sampling and the method of quantitative calculations). Results. Characteristics of LDB “Political neologisms in English” are: 1) type of language units: tokens – neologisms; 2) volume: 1200 units; 3) aspect of the description of lexical semantics: political neologisms; 4) data source: the site “Word Spy”, online dictionary of neologisms “The Rice University Neologisms Database”, etc.; 5) linguistic tasks: research of productive ways of creating political neologisms in English; 6) methods: word-formation analysis, analysis of dictionary definitions, component analysis; 7) field of application: science, education, lexicographic practice; 8) database type: relational. Conclusions. A database is an ordered set of data intended for storage, accumulation and processing using computer technologies; a linguistic database is a set of systematized linguistic data. To create and maintain linguistic databases, specialized programs are used – database management systems. Access DBMS is used in cases where an application requires storage and processing of heterogeneous information about a large number of objects and assumes the possibility of multi-user mode. The process of designing LDB “Political neologisms in English” is a sequence of transitions from an informal verbal description of a linguistic information structure to a formalized description of linguistic objects – neologisms. LDB “Political neologisms in English” contributes to the systematization and development of computer methods of individual private linguistic research.


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