No. 89 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Published 2022-05-10


  • old English language, spatial vocabulary, locative-directional meaning of the word, conceptualization, structural-semantic features of vocabulary
  • давньоанглійська мова, просторова лексика, локативно-дирекціональне значення слова, концептуалізація, структурно-семантичні особливості лексики


Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of etymological, structural and semantic features of spatial vocabulary in Old English. Methods. Lexical units are analyzed using a set of methods and techniques: continuous sampling method and descriptive method – for inventory and interpretation of language units; method of analysis of dictionary definitions, etymological, structural and contextual analysis to reveal the dynamics of structural and semantic properties of the studied units. Results. The results of the study confirmed that spatial vocabulary is an important means of verbalizing the knowledge and impressions of speakers about the environment in Old English. The concept of space is communicatively significant for representatives of Anglo-Saxon culture. This is evidenced by the structural and semantic features of vocabulary with spatial meaning (ambiguity, advanced polysemy, syncretism). Vocabulary with locative-directional meaning is an effective way of learning and verbalizing the concept of space. It determines and directs the communicative behavior of speakers. It is used in almost all spheres of life. Conclusions. Spatial connections play an important role in the formation of the Anglo-Saxon picture of the world. Spatial vocabulary is universal, which makes it susceptible to interact with various cultural codes. By semantic analysis, it was proved that the vocabulary with spatial meaning permeates everyday life, manifests itself not only in the speech, but also in thinking and actions. In particular, presented in such areas: environment, health, employment, work, interaction, influence, emotion. Different aspects of being are represented in terms of space with the help of units with a local and directing meaning. Most of the Old English spatial vocabulary is represented by ancient lexical items, confirming its cultural significance and historical stability. The results of the study showed the activity of spatial units in the processes of word-formation and semantic derivation. This confirms the basic nature of the conceptual sphere of “space”, which is involved as a target cognitive domain in the processes of cognition of the world by the bearers of Anglo-Saxon culture.


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