Published 2022-05-10
- genre, stylistic means, emotive, feelings, emotionality, emotiveness, emotional language, idiostyle
- жанр, стилістичні засоби, емотивність, почуття, емоційність, емоційна мова, ідіостиль
Purpose. This exploration aims to investigate and analyze lexical means that express emotions in the works of one author of different genres. Methods that were used. The method of continuous sampling of analytical material, the method of comparative analysis, the method of ordering and grouping of language tools, and for complex analysis of research – the deductive method. Results. The paper presents a comparative description of verbal means of expressing emotions in three novels by J.K. Rowling. Examples from all three novels are given and all language levels are analyzed: phonetic, phonetic-graphic, morphological, lexical, and syntactic. It was found that most verbal means were used in the socio-psychological novel “Casual vacancy”, and the least in the detective novel “The Cuckoo’s Calling”. It has been studied that in her novels J.K. Rowling deliberately omits letters in words to indicate language defects, at the phonetic level, most examples have been found in “Casual vacancy” and in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”. To express the emotions of her characters, the author often uses three dots on the phonetic and graphic level. The lexical level dominates by words that denote or describe the emotion in the novel ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. The most slang and vulgar vocabulary were in the novel "Casual vacancy" and less emotionally expressed in the novel “The Cuckoo’s Calling”. At the syntactic level, repetitions predominate, in the novel “Casual vacancy”, inversions and short, incomplete phrases, isolated cases are found in the other two novels. Conclusions. The analysis allows us to conclude that the verbal means of expression of emotions in the presented novels of J.K. Rowling differ at all language levels, except phonetic. The most verbal means of expressing emotions were found in the socio-psychological novel and the least in the detective. We see prospects for further research in the involvement of other works of the author belonging to different genres for more detailed analysis. We see prospects for further research in the involvement of other works of the author belonging to different genres for quantitative analysis.
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