No. 89 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Published 2022-05-10


  • linguistic / nonlinguistic features, lingual and cultural space, social and cultural context, laughter culture
  • лінгвістичні / нелінгвістичні риси, лінгвокультурний простір, соціокультурний контекст, сміхова культура


The article is devoted to the analysis of logical and conceptual model of category of jokes and elements of creating a humorous communicative effect. The aim of this article is to study the features of the formation of logical and conceptual basis of category joke and its elements which serve as a basis for lingual and cultural marking laughter culture of linguistic personality. Methods. The use of a general scientific method for the purpose of inventory, systematization and separation of jokes from other texts of small forms is involved in the investigation. Taking into account the basic principles of traditional methods of linguistic research (component, descriptive, transformational, stylistic methods), the main elements of logical and conceptual base of category of joke were considered and categorized. The ethnolinguistic method was used to identify indicators of stereotypical representations of linguistic identity and their influence on formation of values. Discourse-typological and intent analysis were used to reveal the intentions of narrator and linguistic / nonlinguistic features of humorous communication. Results. The results of the study indicate the expediency and relevance of the article. Structural and compositional elements of joke make possible the accurate integration of language units in text. Functional and communicative elements of joke emphasize linguistic and nonlinguistic features of joke. Emotional and expressive elements of joke create the preconditions for pragmatic language game. Lexical and grammatical elements of joke enhance the effect of perception of lexical and grammatical parallelism. Conclusions. Jokes represent the expositions of social and life practice, creating a comprehensive representations of linguistic personality and its lingual and cultural space. The jokes reflect the communicative situation, which clearly fixes the purpose, the subject and additional conditions of communication. Functional and communicative features of joke actualize the compositional and speech function and structure the integrity of lingual and cultural space. Elements of logical and conceptual model of category of jokes create the basis for lingual and cultural specificity of humorous communication and laughter culture.


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