No. 89 (2022): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2022-05-10


  • social myth, ideology, collectivization, industrialization, time and space, Soviet literature of the 2th and 30th, drama
  • соціальний міф, ідеологія, колективізація, індустріалізація, час і простір, радянська література 20-30-х рр., драматургія


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to consider the “chronotope” in Ivan Mykytenko’s plays “Idu”(I’m going), “Dictatorship”, “Girls of our country”, as well as to explore time and space in works from the pointof view of Soviet ideology.Methods. The article uses elements of the following methods: biographical, comparative, descriptive,structural-semiotic, compositional (with an emphasis on the chronotope).Results. I. Mykytenko was the representative of the Soviet party in the literary environment of the 1920s.He wrote works commissioned by the authorities, so the time and space in his works are mythologized. Thus, on the one hand, the mythological principle of organization of artistic material is inherent in the workof I. Mykytenko. On the other hand, the author positions himself as a realist, that is, an author who imitatesreality. We found out how the above-mentioned opposition found itself at the level of the chronotopeof the plays “Idu” (I’m going), “Dictatorship”, “Girls of our country”. It has been studied that the playwrightidealizes collectivization and industrialization by condemning the kulaks and opponents of the commune. Inthe structures of the plays there are typical chronotopes of roads, meetings, premises, villages, factories, cities,crises, which reflect the social myth.Conclusions. We conclude that social mythologies are superimposed on space-time in the plays “Idu”(I’m going), “Dictatorship”, “Girls of our country” by I. Mykytenko. The author highlights the aspectsof Soviet power that were allowed to be portrayed, but his personal attitude to ideology remains unclear. Heserved as the party’s sovereign subject, and his plays were the party’s instrument of that sovereignty. Theauthor presents the characteristics of the protagonists and thus sends readers / viewers informative indexeswith which the addressee can draw conclusions about people and events in space-time. Therefore, we believethat the real time in the dramas “Idu” (I’m going), “Dictatorship”, “Girls of our country” is a realistic illusion,which I. Mykytenko tried to portray on the stage of the Soviet theater.


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