No. 88 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary theory


Published 2021-12-16


  • post-postmodernism, integrated chaos, new sensuality, literary theory
  • постпостмодернізм, інтегрований хаос, нова чуттєвість, теорія літератури


Purpose is to outline the epistemological core of metamodernism and transmodernism, defining the formsof intersection between them and clarifying A. Pavlov’s concept of post-postmodernism. Methods. The typological analysis of two theories of post-postmodernism is used in the work:transmodernism and metamodernism (comparative-historical approach).Results. The author states that the concept of transmodernism has typological similarities with the conceptof metamodernism; however, this aspect was not discussed in A. Pavlov’s dissertation. The crystallizationof both theories became possible because of postcolonial transformations that took place in Western societiesin the second half of the XX – early XXI century. It is investigated that A. Pavlov’s theoretical ideas need to beclarified in terms of outlining the specifics of contemporary culture and, in particular, literature. Metamodernismand transmodernism denote political and sociocultural tendencies that took place in Western communities inthe last decades. The differences between the versions of transmodernism and metamodernism have beenanalyzed and the common epistemological core of both phenomena has been characterized. It is determined thatthe theories studied so far were perceived as antipodes, because the postcolonial specifics of both phenomenawere not taken into account. The key concepts of the theories are emphasized, e. g. the integrated chaos, glocalspace, monolithic thinking, etc.Conclusions. The concepts of transmodernism and metamodernism are the result of postcolonialtransformations of Western societies, which led to the formation of a special paradigm that combines thoseconcepts and phenomena that have been considered antagonistic. Transmodernism and metamodernism are nothomogeneous: within them there are different versions and opposing views, which are the result of differentinterpretations of postmodernism and instability in views on previous cultural and historical periods.A. Pavlov’s views on metamodernism as a theory that emerged in post-postmodernism and that has the mostsufficient chances for future developments is explained: today it is appropriate to spotlight several stages inthe development of this theory, which has gained prospects mainly due to philological approaches and literarystudies.


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