No. 88 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2021-12-16


  • neurosis, fear, trauma, anxiety, association
  • невроз, страх, травма, тривога, асоціація


The purpose of the article is to analyze the mechanism of the emergence and functioning of the discourseof neurosis of Vasyl Stefanyk on the material of the artistic and biographical novel by S. Protsyuk “Roseof Ritual Pain”. Methods of analysis, synthesis, description, interpretation, psychoanalytic methodology, postcolonialreading were used to analyze the set goal.Research results. The novel presents a wide range of artistic psychoanalytic tools – unconscious processesof mental development of the hero, traumas and traumatic events in the life of Vasily Stefanyk, a bodyof mental inspirations, built on numerous fears, neuroses, pain, a number of associations and suggestions,well-associated images and visionary discourses, in-depth archetypes. It was found that neurosis is a naturalconsequence of the intensified struggle of various incarnations of Vasyl Stefanyk, which he tried to reconcilewith each other. Significant aspects of the appearance and functioning of the neurotic state of the hero addedchildren’s trauma, fears, complexes, stress, excessive anxiety. Internal tension and early childhood traumaformed deeply associated images of the beast with the bloody paw and the Bullet of Alarm as fundamentalneurotic factors. The Oedipus complex and the conflict between the real idea of oneself and one’s idealself also significantly developed the neurotic way of life of Vasyl Stefanyk. It is established that the imageof Vasyl Stefanyk in the novel is marked by dispersive tension, excessive anxiety, which led to the emergenceof a depressive, melancholic and partly infantile worldview. It was found that creativity helped the character toalleviate tension, fears, guilt, sins.Conclusions. The image of Vasyl Stefanyk in the novel is marked by neurosis, the key components of whichare excessive anxiety, depression, actually neurotic and mental disorders in behavior, fears and addictions,communication problems, the Oedipus complex, multiple personality. Important psychoanalytic codes forthe interpretation of the neurotic type of personality are the deep personal associations of the Bullet of Alarmand the beast with the bloody paw, which express the neurotic discourse of the protagonist’s performance.


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